Anyway, for this post, I decided that it’s better to share a
recipe that you can also cook up in a very short time (especially when you’re
busy!). It’s a simple shrimp dish (again, another favorite of my wife!) and I
suppose many of you have your own versions of doing it. Here is mine then!
Just remember to cook it with LOVE!
Garlic Shrimp
Preparation and cooking time: 15 minutes
½ kilo shrimp, deveined
2 tbsps., olive oil
1 head of garlic, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Enough parsley, finely chopped
1 tbsp. of lemon juice
Season the shrimps with salt and pepper. Let it
marinate for 3 to 5 minutes.
Heat the cooking oil. Add the garlic and fry until
golden brown. Set aside.
Cook the deveined shrimp with the same oil for 4
to 5 minutes.
Add the parsley and lemon juice.
Take the dish off from the heat and then add the
golden brown garlic that you have set aside.
P.s. If you have the time, please drop by our website
through this link.